Photos from the Jan Peper Memorial Service

rouwmotor harley davison

All photos by Spike van der Steen fotografie.

Jan wanted to be remembered for his joy de vivre, his joy for life, and all the good memories. A place was found to hold both a large crowd as well as make it an informal memorial service, where people could commemorate Jan in a less sterile environment than those found in most funeral homes: het Beauforthuis.

It’s an old church (ironic, isn’t it?!) that’s now used for weddings as well as funerals but also for intimate concerts, comedy and theatre shows and performances s well as being the home of a local mountain bike community. Perfect for Jan and just what he’d pick!

Sadly, many close friends were forced to cancel last minute due to illness and severe colds (Corona or not). But the service was totally in line with Jan’s life and every other Peper gathering that has been: chaotic, cozy, intimate, sad, happy. So many speeches, talks, memories and people.

Tin Roof Blues, Jan and Peggy’s first and last dance together.

Upon, arrival of Jan’s coffin, it was brought inside to the tune of Louis Armstrong’s “Tin Roof Blues” and carried by the immediate family. This song was significant because it was the first song Jan and Peggy danced to, some 60-odd years ago. This way, it’s also their last dance together… The coffin had been decorated and painted by the family, the previous weekend and this also made the occasion less sad.

The coffin was displayed somewhat accessible and off to the side but fully part of the large reception area. Personal items were on display around the coffin.

Music and speeches alternated while people were able to meet each other again, enjoy a glass of wine or Spanish-style tapas and mingle. Many people paying their last respects to Jan had not seen each other for years or decades either, making this a both joyous and sad occasion. Funeral often are…

rouwmotor "last ride" harley-davidson

In the end, Jan’s coffin was carried back outside onto a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and driven a couple of miles to the funeral home where Jan was cremated in the presence of the immediate family.

Click the link for the photos.