Video from the Memorial Service for Jan Peper

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Recording og the memorial service for Jan Peper.

On December 13th 2022, the day of his father’s birthday, Jan Peper finally let go and passed away, marking an end to his suffering and general misery. His prostate cancer took the better of him after almost 20 years of treatment and he was no longer the strong, powerful, patient man that we know.

His shell was empty, his will to live was also consumed and his only reason to stay around was to ensure that Peggy was taken care of. Her Alzheimer was already bad she hardly remembered anything from her life, except Jan: he had always been there ever since they first met in March 1957. Loosing him still terrified her and though she did not help him for she could not comprehend his illness or his situation, she shuddered at the thought of loosing him.

A week later, today exactly 3 months ago, at 13:30 CET, we all gathered to pay our last respects to the man we had known and remember our best memories of him together, so that he be remembered for what he was and meant to us…

Rest in peace Jan Peper

Old man pouring champagne in glasses
Jan doing his favorite thing: sharing bubbles

If you like, there is also a gallery of photos from the memorial service.